Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Another day

It always amazes me how fast time goes by. Evey time I get on Wii Fit, it lets me know that it has been two weeks since I was last on. It really didn't seem that it had been that long. Anyhow yesterday I finished stitching up the edge of the baby quit I'm working on for a friends grand babies that are do any time now. I was stitching away the time while with my Mom Judy in the short stay sitting area while my Dad underwent knee replacement surgery. All went well and he should be released this Thursday. I will get a picture of the quilt before i start the binding and post it. Always, Kat

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I've been thinking about starting a blog for quite awhile, so I'm going to give a go. I'm a stay at home mom who home schools one of my three children due to asthma making it hard on him to attend public school. I enjoy crafting of all types, my latest fascination however is making jewelry. I'm hoping to maintain a daily blog about life here Eastern Washington touching on my latest projects with and without my family. Here's to looking forward. May your day be blessed.

Always, Kat